Error: "405 verb not allowed"

  • 7002508
  • 30-Jan-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.5.1
Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.6
Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.6.1


When you click on the return to caller link in the "Forgot Password", the User Application  has implemented this
redirection as an HTTP POST.  This is very problematic as some destination
sites can not receive a POST - such as a static html page in IIS - this can
Error: "405 verb not allowed"


The UserApplication is working as designed. The page that is set for the "Forgot Password Return Link"  must support a POST.
An enhancement request has been entered for a future release to allow the redirection process to be implemented differently.  


Reported to Engineering