How to change the display attributes for Team Resources Request

  • 7002472
  • 27-Jan-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.5.1
Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.6.0
Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.6.1


How to change the display attributes for Team Resources Request.


Changing the display attributes for Team Resources Request is a global change that will effect all other areas of the User Application.
1- In the designer open the DAL (Directory Abstraction Layer)
2- Under the "User" entity add the "Full Name" attribute make sure you have Require, Search, Edit and Multivalue checked
3- Under the DAL scroll down to "Configuration"
4- In the Default Team Management Attributes you will see First Name and Last Name listed by default
5- Click on the +/x and add the attribute you want to display eg...Full Name, and remove the First Name, Last Name attributes
6- Go back up to the "User" Entities and uncheck Search and Required from the First Name and Last Name attribute
7- Save and deploy all for DAL
8- Restart your UserApplication driver
9- Login to the UserApp as the admin and flush the cache
10- Logout of the UserApp and back in as a team manager
11- Run your search for Team recipients, you should now only see the "Full Name" attribute listed