iManager returns error when accessing CIFS authentication tab for a virtual server

  • 7002456
  • 27-Jan-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Cluster Services 1.8.4
Novell iManager 2.7
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7
Novell Open Enterprise Server (NetWare based)


iManager 2.7.2 (both workstation and server versions) will return the following error message

Error: Storage Error

Could not continue because we did not get a domain mode from the server virtual_server_object.context

when accessing the Properties Authentication tab for NetWare CIFS of a virtual server object that has been setup for CIFS.

ConsoleOne does not return any error message when accessing same information.


This is actually working as designed and has been documented in the Linux OES2 documentation.

Novell CIFS for Linux Administration Guide section 5.1.3 "Setting the CIFS Server and authentication Properties

The comment made in the documentation is as follows:

NOTE:For a virtual server, only CIFS Virtual Server Name, WINS IP Address, and Comment are not inherited from the real server. Hence only these parameters can be edited for CIFS on a shared pool server.

Additional Information

For a virtual server, only Server Name, IP, Shares and Comments are not inherited from the real server on which it is running. All the rest of the configurable options ie authentication, are inherited from the real server. Therefore, whatever changes that need to be done for these options, should be done from the real server and the virtual server will then inherit these. However, changing these values is not advisable.