Forgot Password does not work if Return Link is relative

  • 7002455
  • 26-Jan-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.5
Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.5.1
Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.6
Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.6.1


If setting the "Forgot Password Return URL" to a relative link (e.g.:
/IDM/jsps/login/Login.jsf) the "Forgot Password" link fails with"???ForgotPassword_Error???".

If setting the "Forgot Password Return URL" to blank or full URL (e.g.: )
the "Forgot Password" link acts normally. 


This was found to be a bug within the User Application 3.5.0, User Application 3.5.1, User Application 3.6.0, and User Application 3.6.1. To correct the behavior please apply the latest public patches for the respective product available on the download site.
At this posting the latest public patches are:
User Application 3.5.0: UA350Patch AE
User Application 3.5.1: UA351Patch W
User Application 3.6.0: UA360Patch D
User Application 3.5.0: UA361Patch B


Reported to Engineering