Designate Another Server as a Master Replica with DSREPAIR.

  • 7002415
  • 21-Jan-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Directory Services.
Novell eDirectory
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2)
Domain Services for Windows


Error in NDS Manager, ConsoleOne, or iManager when trying to designate a new server as a master.
Designate Another Server as a Master Replica with DSREPAIR.


Netware instructions:
DSREPAIR | Advanced Options | Replica and Partition Operation highlight the desired R/W replica to designate as the new Master, hit enter. Choose Designate this server as the new master.

In very rare instances, you may need to designate a subordinate as a master if no R/W or Masters remain.  Since this is a destructive task, (subordinates do not hold the real objects and all the objects in the replica must be recreated.)  the following steps must be followed:

Load DSREPAIR -A | Advanced Options | Replica and Partition Operation highlight the desired replica to designate as the new Master, hit enter. Choose Designate this server as the new master.

Linux instructions:
ndsrepair -P | Enter replica number | Enter number 5 to Designate this server as the new master replica.

Additional Information

Corrupted and/or missing Master replica.
Formerly known as TID# 10025248