Httpstkd won't load on OES2 Linux. NRM will not work

  • 7002367
  • 14-Jan-2009
  • 17-Sep-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2)


Httpstkd daemon would not load on the OES2 host. No errors would be displayed. There was nothing in the /etc/hosts file. Httpstkd had not segfaulted. Restarting the service or rebooting the host had no effect. Consequently, Novell Remote Manager would not function on the host.


Even though httpstkd status was not running, top still showed a PID that was associated with httpstkd.  In /proc that PID # showed as a directory with files/folders inside. After we did a kill on that PID #, that directory in /proc was then empty.  After an rcnovell-httpstkd start, httpstkd came up and stayed running, and users are able to access NRM on that Server.