Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 8
Issues address by nw65sp8
91510 enhancement request: increase TCP window size registered by NCPIP for possible performance improvement
196954 Apache2 doesn't release all resources from Apache web server and Log rotation utility as it restartes.
214371 iPrint AllowAutoUpdate should automatical choose nipp-s.exe if option "2" is selected.
227666 Abend in Gwinter process
229926 Unable to upload HP universal print driver to broker via iManager
257948 Apple WebDAV Doesn't Upload to NetStorage
259772 server-generated directory listings encoded with IBM850 instead of ISO-8859-1
260382 SCRSAVER - req for emergency password stored locally in an ecrypted file
263926 NWTape will not load for certain critical tape drives
281171 NISSERV object types are STILL not "managed" by real, polished screens... leaving it to the generic/un-managed "Other" tab
289343 Search tool does not specify the initial volume correctly when a volume besides SYS is selected.
290610 LIST STORAGE DEVICE BINDINGS fails when MM Multi-pathing is enabled
291553 MM Hangs in MPIO
296196 iScsi Initiator hangs for 2 min and runs for 5 with 8 clients file/io with build.723 of SP7
298887 NFS Export (Virtualized NW) not setup for OES-Cypress NFS Client configuration success
300770 Remove the Supported-OS restriction from the iManager 2.7 NCS plug-in manifest file
308178 Tomcat manager Pages needs to be localized
308879 Test Case 379649 - [Code] Name length check
329631 Delete is default action in NRM file inventory and deletes system files as well
330143 NCS: Cluster scan for new devices is about twice as slow as in older versions of NCS
330770 Synchronize dropped folders does not delete files/directories on the target which are set to "delete" or "rename" inhibit.
334762 SP7: /welcome/webmanager.html was not found
335295 Incorrect version of SDIDIAG.NLM in NetWare 6.5 SP7
337546 Can't read master ip address from edirectory
338261 NetWare 6.5 DNS: -649 error trying to load zone from eDirectory
340268 netnlm32.nlm can not be loaded in protected memory.
340439 NSS issue. ABEND due to link list problem in COMN.NSS|NAME_CheckCacheAscii
342393 Potential XSS Security Vulnerability in Apache
344233 Tomcat4 not working as a standalone server
344866 Creation of Management Context fails on a server with a traditional SYS volume
345662 Openwbem causing latency on netware servers
347402 Server Abend in WS2_32
347871 NDPS Manager database grows to 200 meg
349620 iPrint client does not appear to initialize if their is a local printer installed
351033 Potential Security Vulnerability with Apache CVE-2007-1860
351174 Security vulnerability in iPrint Client
353738 two Posix functions related to memory reports a wrong value - reporting identical values tho fetched differently
354350 Ricoh printer can not print out via LPR using NW65SP7
355087 DFS rebuild log shows message : [Pre-NetWare 6 server - ignoring] for 6.5 Sp7 server with 882
355455 Text search not working correctly if Search Subdiretories is selected
359121 NSSMU No partitions are displayed for a RAID device under "Devices" section.
359275 security vulnerability in tcp persist timer - VU#943657
360620 Abends multiple servers going down everyday. Poss cios memory corruption
362268 Coredump 100% utilization in NDPSM
363270 SCP.NLM leaves screen open with "Press ESC to close"
364108 NoRM needs to display the files with the long name space filename
367513 NoRM Salvage needs pair of columns. "Time Deleted" and "Date Deleted"
367516 NoRM Salvage needs columns need to be sortable.
369998 SMSLS.NLM does not auto-terminate, and ends with <Press any key to exit>
370663 Abend in iPrint
372003 iPrint 5.x Client : driver installation by users without Administrator right
372374 LPR2NDPS cancels printjob if userID contains extended characters
374011 After applying mac security update 2008-002 users are unable to install printers
374319 upgrade Apache from 2.0.61 to 2.0.63 on NetWare for security updates
374322 update mod_jk to 1.2.23 so it will include security fixes
374325 upgrade tomcat to 4.1.37 for security fixes
374552 New Pool : Select device and space box not showing complete number
375676 Directory Create events are not logged
376207 Stub only restore of Stub+Data files not working
376267 cannot get the whole LIST of files in directory when filename includes Unicode characters
382299 iscsinit connect hangs system console under certain conditions
383170 Case sensitivity issues when creating DFS Management Contexts
383758 SR #10393843581
384484 Potential XSS Security Vulnerability with Apache 2.0.59 on NW6.5
384681 iPrint reports haven't been updated with ability to gather mac and vista specific info
385403 Potential Security Vulnerability with Apache on NetWare 6.5
389203 NWSMListTargetService takes a long time in an isolated network
389521 Abend - looks like NDPSGW
389908 Abend in NDPSGW
392680 Abend in RMANSRVR.NLM version 3.06.01February 12, 2007
396835 Potential XSS vulnerability in examples sendmailm.jsp file
397563 CVE-2007-5461 Potential Security Vulnerability with Tomcat on NetWare 6.5
401550 Secunia SA30667: 1. Boundary error in ienipp.ocx when handling the "GetDriverFile()" method.
401551 Secunia SA30667: 2. boundary errors in ienipp.ocx "GetPrinterURLList()" and "GetPrinterURLList2()"
401552 Secunia SA30667: 3. boundary error in ienipp.ocx when handling the "GetFileList()" method
401555 Secunia SA30667: 5. Boundary errors in ienipp.ocx when using the "UploadPrinterDriver()" method
404714 Secunia SA30667: 6. Boundary errors in ienipp.ocx when using the "UploadResourceToRMS()" method
404716 Secunia SA30667: 7. Boundary errors in ienipp.ocx when handling the "UploadResource()" method
404718 Secunia SA30667: 8. Three boundary errors in nipplib.dll within the "IppGetDriverSettings()" function.
405765 Install hits an enterdebugger call in XenBlkAbort in xenblk.ham on build.701.
407636 bind: spoofing made easier due to non-random UDP source port VU#800113 -- NetWare
408039 Abend in LIBC.NLM|FreeFILEBuffer
411625 CVE-2008-2432 - "GetFileList()" information disclosure (Secunia)
415728 Lower Level VLDB database is empty
417278 Summary: NW65SP8 Build# 812 (Vix):Load balancing & fault tolerance are not working on Netware vix.
420199 Secunia - Buffer overflow in IppCreateServerRef()
421228 CPU Hog in ZLSS.NSS|node_alloc_space
425278 Potential Security Vulnerabilities in NetWare
429141 VFS unable to copy TRUSTEEINFO.XML
430809 nsscpt is missing from DVD
444308 CPU Hog waiting for NSSMPK_spinlock that CIFS.NLM|FreeTcpCCBAndNBTSession sets
196954 Apache2 doesn't release all resources from Apache web server and Log rotation utility as it restartes.
214371 iPrint AllowAutoUpdate should automatical choose nipp-s.exe if option "2" is selected.
227666 Abend in Gwinter process
229926 Unable to upload HP universal print driver to broker via iManager
257948 Apple WebDAV Doesn't Upload to NetStorage
259772 server-generated directory listings encoded with IBM850 instead of ISO-8859-1
260382 SCRSAVER - req for emergency password stored locally in an ecrypted file
263926 NWTape will not load for certain critical tape drives
281171 NISSERV object types are STILL not "managed" by real, polished screens... leaving it to the generic/un-managed "Other" tab
289343 Search tool does not specify the initial volume correctly when a volume besides SYS is selected.
290610 LIST STORAGE DEVICE BINDINGS fails when MM Multi-pathing is enabled
291553 MM Hangs in MPIO
296196 iScsi Initiator hangs for 2 min and runs for 5 with 8 clients file/io with build.723 of SP7
298887 NFS Export (Virtualized NW) not setup for OES-Cypress NFS Client configuration success
300770 Remove the Supported-OS restriction from the iManager 2.7 NCS plug-in manifest file
308178 Tomcat manager Pages needs to be localized
308879 Test Case 379649 - [Code] Name length check
329631 Delete is default action in NRM file inventory and deletes system files as well
330143 NCS: Cluster scan for new devices is about twice as slow as in older versions of NCS
330770 Synchronize dropped folders does not delete files/directories on the target which are set to "delete" or "rename" inhibit.
334762 SP7: /welcome/webmanager.html was not found
335295 Incorrect version of SDIDIAG.NLM in NetWare 6.5 SP7
337546 Can't read master ip address from edirectory
338261 NetWare 6.5 DNS: -649 error trying to load zone from eDirectory
340268 netnlm32.nlm can not be loaded in protected memory.
340439 NSS issue. ABEND due to link list problem in COMN.NSS|NAME_CheckCacheAscii
342393 Potential XSS Security Vulnerability in Apache
344233 Tomcat4 not working as a standalone server
344866 Creation of Management Context fails on a server with a traditional SYS volume
345662 Openwbem causing latency on netware servers
347402 Server Abend in WS2_32
347871 NDPS Manager database grows to 200 meg
349620 iPrint client does not appear to initialize if their is a local printer installed
351033 Potential Security Vulnerability with Apache CVE-2007-1860
351174 Security vulnerability in iPrint Client
353738 two Posix functions related to memory reports a wrong value - reporting identical values tho fetched differently
354350 Ricoh printer can not print out via LPR using NW65SP7
355087 DFS rebuild log shows message : [Pre-NetWare 6 server - ignoring] for 6.5 Sp7 server with 882
355455 Text search not working correctly if Search Subdiretories is selected
359121 NSSMU No partitions are displayed for a RAID device under "Devices" section.
359275 security vulnerability in tcp persist timer - VU#943657
360620 Abends multiple servers going down everyday. Poss cios memory corruption
362268 Coredump 100% utilization in NDPSM
363270 SCP.NLM leaves screen open with "Press ESC to close"
364108 NoRM needs to display the files with the long name space filename
367513 NoRM Salvage needs pair of columns. "Time Deleted" and "Date Deleted"
367516 NoRM Salvage needs columns need to be sortable.
369998 SMSLS.NLM does not auto-terminate, and ends with <Press any key to exit>
370663 Abend in iPrint
372003 iPrint 5.x Client : driver installation by users without Administrator right
372374 LPR2NDPS cancels printjob if userID contains extended characters
374011 After applying mac security update 2008-002 users are unable to install printers
374319 upgrade Apache from 2.0.61 to 2.0.63 on NetWare for security updates
374322 update mod_jk to 1.2.23 so it will include security fixes
374325 upgrade tomcat to 4.1.37 for security fixes
374552 New Pool : Select device and space box not showing complete number
375676 Directory Create events are not logged
376207 Stub only restore of Stub+Data files not working
376267 cannot get the whole LIST of files in directory when filename includes Unicode characters
382299 iscsinit connect hangs system console under certain conditions
383170 Case sensitivity issues when creating DFS Management Contexts
383758 SR #10393843581
384484 Potential XSS Security Vulnerability with Apache 2.0.59 on NW6.5
384681 iPrint reports haven't been updated with ability to gather mac and vista specific info
385403 Potential Security Vulnerability with Apache on NetWare 6.5
389203 NWSMListTargetService takes a long time in an isolated network
389521 Abend - looks like NDPSGW
389908 Abend in NDPSGW
392680 Abend in RMANSRVR.NLM version 3.06.01February 12, 2007
396835 Potential XSS vulnerability in examples sendmailm.jsp file
397563 CVE-2007-5461 Potential Security Vulnerability with Tomcat on NetWare 6.5
401550 Secunia SA30667: 1. Boundary error in ienipp.ocx when handling the "GetDriverFile()" method.
401551 Secunia SA30667: 2. boundary errors in ienipp.ocx "GetPrinterURLList()" and "GetPrinterURLList2()"
401552 Secunia SA30667: 3. boundary error in ienipp.ocx when handling the "GetFileList()" method
401555 Secunia SA30667: 5. Boundary errors in ienipp.ocx when using the "UploadPrinterDriver()" method
404714 Secunia SA30667: 6. Boundary errors in ienipp.ocx when using the "UploadResourceToRMS()" method
404716 Secunia SA30667: 7. Boundary errors in ienipp.ocx when handling the "UploadResource()" method
404718 Secunia SA30667: 8. Three boundary errors in nipplib.dll within the "IppGetDriverSettings()" function.
405765 Install hits an enterdebugger call in XenBlkAbort in xenblk.ham on build.701.
407636 bind: spoofing made easier due to non-random UDP source port VU#800113 -- NetWare
408039 Abend in LIBC.NLM|FreeFILEBuffer
411625 CVE-2008-2432 - "GetFileList()" information disclosure (Secunia)
415728 Lower Level VLDB database is empty
417278 Summary: NW65SP8 Build# 812 (Vix):Load balancing & fault tolerance are not working on Netware vix.
420199 Secunia - Buffer overflow in IppCreateServerRef()
421228 CPU Hog in ZLSS.NSS|node_alloc_space
425278 Potential Security Vulnerabilities in NetWare
429141 VFS unable to copy TRUSTEEINFO.XML
430809 nsscpt is missing from DVD
444308 CPU Hog waiting for NSSMPK_spinlock that CIFS.NLM|FreeTcpCCBAndNBTSession sets