Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 7
GroupWise Mobile Server 2.x
GroupWise Mobile Server 3
Changes made in ConsoleOne on a GroupWise user telephone number are not replicated into GMS GAL book.
If you change a tel number of a manually added user in Frequent Contacts address book using GroupWise client, this is replicated.
GMS holds a GAL in an cache which is build when the GMS server is initialized or sometime shortly after that. This is done for performance reasons similarly like Exchange systems do. The GAL cache update should rely on the server daily maintenance. However, this does not seem to work well for all users. Nokia is aware of this bug.
A workaround, that however work only for one user only, is to follow these steps:
- Login in a user`s GMS account via WebPIM interface.
- Click on Contacts tab an edit any of GAL users listed.
- Remove a tel number entry and click on save. This invokes a full resync of the GAL and all changes made within ConsoleOne gets replicated also into WebPIM`s Contacts.
- Unfortunately, this resync is valid only for a user who did a resync. Other GMS users would still see old, outdated GAL entries.
Note that neither Reset Account nor GroupWise Poller cycles do change / resync the GAL with the GroupWise system address book.