Nici not installed launching iManager 2.7 workstation for Windows Vista 64bit

  • 7002303
  • 06-Jan-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iManager 2.7 Workstation for Windows
Microsoft Windows Vista 64bit all versions


Installed Novell iManager 2.7 Workstation for Windows on Microsoft Windows Vista 64bit and received warning message that nici can not be found.
The default iManager.bat file found in the iManager\bin directory tests for the presence of NICI by looking for ccsw32.dll in the %SYSTEMROOT%\system32 directory.

However, when NICI is installed on Windows Vista 64bit, it is installed into the sysWOW64 directory, not the system32 directory.


The work-around is to edit the iManager.bat search location so that it finds the ccsw32.dll in sysWOW64 directory.

For example:
set NICI_DLL_FILE=%SYSTEMROOT%\sysWOW64\ccsw32.dll


Reported to Engineering