Error ZLIB 5 when uploading printer drivers to Broker

  • 7002262
  • 29-Dec-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for NetWare


When attempting to upload a printer driver to a Broker or Driver Store, iManager returns the following error:

Error ZLIB 5

When attempting to upload a printer driver using NWAdmin, a message regarding the Resource Management Service not being available is returned.


Ensure the user logged into the Windows Workstation that is running iManager or NWAdmin has permissions to the c:\NDPS directory.

Additional Information

When uploading a printer driver to the Broker or Driver store, the driver is first copied to the C:\NDPS\DRVR_TMP directory.  If the printer driver can't be copied to that location, the ZLIB 5 error is returned.