Add-on Images not applying

  • 7002200
  • 16-Dec-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Imaging


Add-on images not applying after base image is restored to a machine.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

On the summary page of an .msi application, click create add-on image.  Under relationships,  associate this to a bundle group.  Associate the bundle group to a workstation folder.  Set no distribution schedule, launch or availability options.  Set the application to show in the NAL window.

Then go to the image bundle that has one action of restore a ZMG image.  Add an action called 'Add Linked application' and point to the  bundle.  You can then increment the version.

Assign the image bundle to a machine and PXE boot.  The image is restored and see bundle get copied to a guid.zc file.

Boot the machine and login.  The bundle icon is in the application window.  The icon is still there.  The properties show that budnle is "Not Installed".  Double click the icon and the bundle starts to download from the server.  The cache is ignored.