How to upgrade to OES2sp1.

  • 7002118
  • 08-Dec-2008
  • 08-Nov-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 1 (OES 1) Support Pack 2 Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2)
Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based)


OES2sp1 is built on SLES10sp2.  Current OES2 customers who wish to install OES2sp1 will need to upgrade via "Down Server Update".  Unlike SLES10sp2, there is NOT a patch in the OES2 channel nor in the SLES10sp1 channel that will preform this function.  The "Move-to-sp2" patch in the SLES10sp1 channel will NOT correctly update an OES2 machine to OES2sp1.  


Here is the link to the documentation for detail:
OES2: Linux Installation Guide

Prior to performing the upgrade, review the documentation for known issues:
OES2: Readme

Use the following instructions to complete the upgrade applicable to the installation source you are using:
5.4.1 For Servers with EVMS and NSS on the System Device

If your server has EVMS and NSS on the system device (the device that contains the root, boot, and swap), you must prepare the server prior to upgrading or the upgrade will fail. Because completing the instructions in the following sections hides the serverā€™s NSS partition, you should do so just prior to upgrading the server.
Preparing an OES 1 SP2 Server

If you are upgrading a server that has EVMS as the volume manager for the system device (the device that contains the /boot, swap, and / (root) partitions), and might also have Novell Storage Servicesā„¢ (NSS) pools and volumes on the system device, you need to enable boot.lvm and

Do the following just before you begin the upgrade:

   1.      In YaST, click System > Runlevel Editor > Expert Mode.
   2.      Select boot.lvm.
   3.      Click Set/Reset > Enable the Service.
   4.      Select
   5.      Click Set/Reset > Enable the Service.
   6.      Click Finish, then click Yes.

Preparing All OES Servers

Prior to starting the upgrade, be sure to complete the instructions in EVMS-Managed System Devices Require Special Handling or the Upgrade Will Fail in the OES2 SP1: Readme.
5.4.2 Starting the Upgrade

    *      Upgrade Using a Network Installation Source with DHCP
    *      Upgrade Using a Network Installation Source without DHCP
    *      Upgrade Using Physical Media or ISO

Upgrade Using a Network Installation Source with DHCP

   1.      Ensure that the server meets the upgrade requirements. See Meeting the Upgrade Requirements.
   2.      Insert SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 CD 1 into the CD-ROM drive of the server you want to upgrade to OES 2 SP1 Linux, then reboot the server.
   3.      From the CD boot menu, select one of the following Installation options that matches your environment, but do not press Enter.
          *            Installation: The normal installation mode. All modern hardware functions are enabled.
          *            Installationā€”ACPI Disabled: If the normal installation fails, this might be because of the system hardware not supporting ACPI (advanced configuration and power interface). If this seems to be the case, use this option to install without ACPI support.
          *            Installationā€”Local APIC Disabled: If the normal installation fails, this might be because of the system hardware not supporting local APIC (advanced programmable interrupt controllers). If this seems to be the case, use this option to install without local APIC support.

            If you are not sure, try Installationā€”ACPI Disabled or Installationā€”Safe Settings first.
          *            Installationā€”Safe Settings: Boots the system with the DMA mode (for CD-ROM drives) and power management functions disabled. Experts can also use the command line to enter or change kernel parameters.
   4.      (Conditional) You can specify boot option parameters to specify all the parameters that the manual installation steps will step you through or you can continue with Step 5.

      If you do specify boot options parameters, press Enter then continue with Step 10.

      For more information on specifying boot option parameters, see ā€œUsing Custom Boot Optionsā€ in the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Installation and Administration Guide.
   5.      Press F3, and then select the network installation type (NFS, FTP, HTTP) that you set up on your network installation server.

      See Step 2 of the Preparing a Network Installation Source procedure.
   6.      Specify the required information (server name and installation path), then select OK.
   7.      Press Enter to begin the upgrade.
   8.      Select a language, then click Accept.
   9.      On the License Agreement page, click Yes, I Agree to the License Agreement > Next.
  10.      Follow the prompts, using the information contained in the following sections:
         1.            Selecting the Installation Mode Options.
         2.            Specifying the Partition to Update.
         3.            Specifying the Add-On Product Installation Information.
         4.            Verifying and Customizing the Update Options in Installation Settings.
         5.            Accepting the Installation Settings.
         6.            Specifying Configuration Information.
         7.            Finishing the Upgrade.
  11.      Verify that the upgrade was successful. See the procedures in Verifying That the Installation Was Successful.
  12.      Complete the server setup by following the procedures in Completing Installation or Upgrade Tasks on OES 2 SP1 Linux.

Upgrade Using a Network Installation Source without DHCP

   1.      Ensure that the server meets the upgrade requirements. See Meeting the Upgrade Requirements.
   2.      Insert SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 CD 1 into the CD-ROM drive of the server you want to upgrade to OES 2 SP1 Linux, then reboot the machine.
   3.      From the CD boot menu, select one of the following Installation options that matches your environment, then press Enter.
          *            Installation: The normal installation mode. All modern hardware functions are enabled.
          *            Installationā€”ACPI Disabled: If the normal installation fails, this might be because of the system hardware not supporting ACPI (advanced configuration and power interface). If this seems to be the case, use this option to install without ACPI support.
          *            Installationā€”Local APIC Disabled: If the normal installation fails, this might be because of the system hardware not supporting local APIC (advanced programmable interrupt controllers). If this seems to be the case, use this option to install without local APIC support.

            If you are not sure, try Installationā€”ACPI Disabled or Installationā€”Safe Settings first.
          *            Installationā€”Safe Settings: Boots the system with the DMA mode (for CD-ROM drives) and power management functions disabled. Experts can also use the command line to enter or change kernel parameters.

      You can specify boot option parameters to specify all the parameters that the manual installation steps will step you through or you can continue with Step 4.

      If you do specify boot options parameters, press Enter then continue with Step 21.

      For more information on specifying boot option parameters, see ā€œUsing Custom Boot Optionsā€ in the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Installation and Administration Guide.
   4.      When you receive the following error, select OK and press Enter:

      Could not find the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Installation source. Activating manual set up program.
   5.      Select the language, then select OK and press Enter.
   6.      Select a keyboard map, then select OK and press Enter.
   7.      Select Start Installation or System, then select OK and press Enter.
   8.      Select Start Installation or Update, then select OK and press Enter.
   9.      Select Network, press Enter, then select OK and press Enter.
  10.      Select the network protocol that matches the configured protocol on your network installation server, then press Enter.
  11.      (Conditional) If you have more than one network interface card, select one of the cards, then press Enter.

      We recommend eth0.
  12.      When prompted whether you want to use DHCP, select No, then press Enter.
  13.      Specify the IP address, then press Enter.
  14.      Specify the subnet mask, then press Enter.
  15.      Specify the gateway, then press Enter.
  16.      Specify the IP address of a name server, then press Enter.
  17.      Specify the IP address of the network installation server, then press Enter.
  18.      (Conditional) Depending on the protocol you specified, you might see additional screens for FTP or HTTP. Select the options that are appropriate for your network, then continue with Step 19.
  19.      Specify the path to your installation source on the network installation server, then press Enter.
  20.      On the License Agreement page, click Yes, I Agree to the License Agreement > Next.
  21.      Follow the prompts, using the information contained in the following sections:
         1.            Selecting the Installation Mode Options.
         2.            Specifying the Partition to Update.
         3.            Specifying the Add-On Product Installation Information.
         4.            Verifying and Customizing the Update Options in Installation Settings.
         5.            Accepting the Installation Settings.
         6.            Specifying Configuration Information.
         7.            Finishing the Upgrade.
  22.      Verify that the upgrade was successful. See the procedures in Verifying That the Installation Was Successful.
  23.      Complete the server setup by following the procedures in Completing Installation or Upgrade Tasks on OES 2 SP1 Linux.

Upgrade Using Physical Media or ISO

   1.      Ensure that the server meets the upgrade requirements. See Meeting the Upgrade Requirements.
   2.      Insert the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 CD 1 or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 DVD 1 into the CD-ROM or DVD drive of the server you want to upgrade to OES 2 SP1 Linux, then reboot the machine.
   3.      From the CD boot menu, select the Installation option that best fits your environment, then press Enter.
   4.      Select the language that you want to use.
   5.      On the License Agreement page, click Yes, I Agree to the License Agreement > Next.
   6.      Follow the prompts, using the information contained in the following sections:
         1.            Selecting the Installation Mode Options.
         2.            Specifying the Partition to Update.
         3.            Specifying the Add-On Product Installation Information.
         4.            Verifying and Customizing the Update Options in Installation Settings.
         5.            Accepting the Installation Settings.
         6.            Specifying Configuration Information.
         7.            Finishing the Upgrade.
   7.      Verify that the upgrade was successful. See the procedures in Verifying That the Installation Was Successful.
   8.      Complete the server setup by following the procedures in Completing Installation or Upgrade Tasks on OES 2 SP1 Linux.

5.4.3 Selecting the Installation Mode Options

   1.      When the Installation Mode screen displays, select the following menu options:
         1.            Update
         2.            Include Add-On Products from Separate Media

            IMPORTANT:To upgrade previously installed OES services and install any additional OES services, you must select the Include Add-On Products from Separate Media option. If you donā€™t, the server is only updated from SLES 9 to SLES 10 and none of the OES services are upgraded.
   2.      Click Next.
   3.      Continue with Specifying the Partition to Update or Specifying the Add-On Product Installation Information, depending on which matches your installation.

5.4.4 Specifying the Partition to Update