Unable to enable or disable document integrations

  • 7002079
  • 04-Dec-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8

Users without administrative priviliges


Users without administrative priviliges unable to enable or disable document integrations
Users with administrative priviliges can enable or disable document integrations
Settings not saved and persist in the GUI to whatver the installed settings were for document integrations


Reported to Engineering
Workaround Steps:
1. Login as a user with administrative priviliges
2. Browse to C:\Novell\GroupWise\
3. Give write and modify rights to Interactive Users on file gwapptint.inf
4. Save the changes
5. Now users without administrative privileges can also enable/disable document integrations

Additional Information

Steps to duplicate :

  1. Use GroupWise 8 Agents and GroupWise 8 Client.
  2. Login to Windows XP as a user with Administrative Priviligies and login to Groupwise Client as any user.
  3. Click Tools | Options | Documents | Integrations and enable or disable some of the Integrations. Click Save and Close.
  4. Again click on Tools | Options | Documents | Integrations and the settings are saved.
  5. Now login to the Workstation without Administrative Priviliges and then login to GroupWise Client as any user.
  6. Click Tools | Options | Documents | Integrations and enable or disable some of the Integrations. Click Save and Close
  7. Again click on Tools | Options | Documents | Integrations and the settings are not saved.
  8. Now browse to C:\Novell\Groupwise Folder and give write and modify rights to the  users group on the file gwapptint.inf.
  9. Click Tools | Options | Documents | Integrations and enable or disable some of the Integrations. Click Save and Close.
  10. Again click on Tools | Options | Documents | Integrations and the settings are saved.