Novell GroupWise 8 Shipping
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7
WebAccess abends after updating to GroupWise 8.0 Shipping.
WebAccess page faults in GWINTER.NLM after updating to GroupWise 8.0 Shipping.
Page Fault Processor Exception, Running Process GWINTER
WebAccess abends the server after the first person logs in to the agent.
Only one Post Office in a grouping may abend the WebAccess agent GWINTER.NLM.
A defect has been submitted to development for review.
On the agent that is causing the problem, enable and configure the GroupWise 8.0 Calendar Publishing Agent.
This has been shown to alleviate the issue.
A defect has been submitted to development for review.
On the agent that is causing the problem, enable and configure the GroupWise 8.0 Calendar Publishing Agent.
This has been shown to alleviate the issue.
Additional Information
abend.log snippet -
P00# .a
Debug entry: 14
Break caused by: Page Fault Processor Exception
Error code: 00000000 (set by processor during exception)
P00# r
Exception Processor: 00
Current Focus Processor : 00
EAX = 00000000 EBX = 9C99BFE0 ECX = 9C990000 EDX = 9E309AB9
ESI = 9A2FA30C EDI = 00000000 EBP = 9D1D2838 ESP = 9D1D26F4
EIP = 9CFE1D24 FLAGS = 00010246 (PF ZF IF RF)
9CFE1D24 8B7806 MOV EDI, [EAX+06]
P00# ?
Address in GWINTER.NLM at code start +0002CD24h
Previous: -0002CD24 9CFB5000 GWINTER.NLM|<Start of code segment>
Current: 00000000 9CFE1D24
Next: +00155241 9D136F65 GWINTER.NLM|<End of code segment>
P00# .p
Running Threads:
b) 8A2974A0 Processor 1: IDLE Thread (Running on processor 1) Last ?? Now 01
b) 8A2AC580 Processor 2: IDLE Thread (Running on processor 2) Last ?? Now 02
b) 8A2C1080 Processor 3: IDLE Thread (Running on processor 3) Last ?? Now 03
b) 9CB3D160 gwinter 7 (Running on processor 0) Last ?? Now 00
P00# sw
Current EIP:9CFE1D24 GWINTER.NLM|<Start of code segment>+2CD24
ESP:9D1D2840 EIP:9CFE1A2C GWINTER.NLM|<Start of code segment>+2CA2C
ESP:9D1D2C44 EIP:9CFBF152 GWINTER.NLM|<Start of code segment>+A152
ESP:9D1D3090 EIP:9CFBAA77 GWINTER.NLM|<Start of code segment>+5A77
ESP:9D1D340C EIP:9CFB5178 GWINTER.NLM|<Start of code segment>+178
ESP:9D1D341C EIP:9CFD2A94 GWINTER.NLM|<Start of code segment>+1DA94
ESP:9D1D3428 EIP:9DAFE14D GWENN5.NLM|GWENN5@NgwThrdCreate+20D
ESP:9D1D3448 EIP:9020B356 THREADS.NLM|getcmd+21E
ESP:9D1D3470 EIP:9020B18C THREADS.NLM|getcmd+54
ESP:9D1D3488 EIP:90225730 THREADS.NLM|<Start of data segment>+2730
ESP:9D1D348C EIP:00222E78 SERVER.NLM|TcoNewSystemThreadEntryPoint+40
(stack end)
SCREEN NAME: Fault Screen
MODE: 0x01
------------------------------ SCREEN DUMP BEGIN -----------------------------
Stack: B0 E6 00 00 40 9A 30 9E 00 00 00 00 40 9D D6 9B
80 27 F9 9D 00 0E 9A 9C 80 27 F9 9D 40 9A 30 9E
00 0E 9A 9C 00 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 A0 BF 16 00
Additional Information:
The CPU encountered a problem executing code in GWINTER.NLM. The problem may
be in that module or in data passed to that module by a process owned by
SCREEN NAME: Logger Screen
MODE: 0x01
------------------------------ SCREEN DUMP BEGIN ----------
Auto-Loading Module SCCCH.NLM
Auto-loading module SCCCH.NLM
HTML Export Chunker Module
Version 8.20 February 26, 2008
Copyright (C) 1991, 2007 Oracle. All Rights Reserved
Module SCCCH.NLM load status OK
Auto-Loading Module SCCFA.NLM
Auto-loading module SCCFA.NLM
HTML Export Filter Access Module
Version 8.20 February 26, 2008
Copyright (C) 1991, 2007 Oracle. All Rights Reserved
Module SCCFA.NLM load status OK
Module SCCDA.NLM load status OK
Loading module SCCEX.NLM
HTML Export Export Interface Module
Version 8.20 February 26, 2008
Copyright (C) 1991, 2007 Oracle. All Rights Reserved
Module SCCEX.NLM load status OK
Loading module SCCLO.NLM
HTML Export Localization Module
Version 8.20 February 26, 2008
Copyright (C) 1991, 2007 Oracle. All Rights Reserved
Module SCCLO.NLM load status OK
Unloading module LOCNLM32 from address space GWDVAWRKR4.
Module LOCNLM32.NLM unloaded
SCREEN NAME: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
MODE: 0x01
------------------------------ SCREEN DUMP BEGIN
GroupWise WebAccess Agent 8.0.0 NetWare Loadable Module
WEBAC80A Up Time: 0 Days 0 Hrs 0 Mins
- Statistics -----------------------------------------------------------------
Threads: - Busy/Total/Peak: 1/ 12/ 1 Total Errors
Users In: Current/Total/Peak: 0/ 0/ 0 Requests 3 0
000 18:08:42 TCP Port for Incoming Connections: 7205
000 18:08:42 Client/Server over SSL: Disabled
000 18:08:42 WebConsole: Enabled
000 18:08:42 WebConsole Url:
000 18:08:42
000 18:08:42 Performance Settings:
000 18:08:42 Processing Threads: 12 (Default)
000 18:08:42 Maximum users: 250
000 18:08:42 ****************************************************************
000 18:08:42 Warning: Public Userid for WebPublisher not configured
000 18:08:42 WebAccess Server is ready for work
000 18:08:45 GWDVA is initialized and running
F1 = Help F7 = Exit F9 = Browse Logfile F10 = Options
------------------------------- SCREEN DUMP END
P00# .m gw*.*
GWXIS12.NLM XML Integration Service
Loaded from [SYS:\GW\SD6\]
[108] OS address space
Version 1.02.00 October 24, 2008
Code Address: 9D4EB000h Length: 00118282h
Data Address: 97538000h Length: 0007119Fh
GWENN5.NLM GroupWise Engine (release version)
Loaded from [SYS:\GW\SD6\]
[109] OS address space
Version 8.00.00 October 24, 2008
Code Address: 9D604000h Length: 00513686h
Data Address: 9D2DE000h Length: 000E18CCh
GWMTA.NLM GroupWise MTA (release version)
Loaded from [SYS:\GW\SD6\]
[10B] OS address space
Version 8.00.00 October 24, 2008
Code Address: 9CCC4000h Length: 001DF3EBh
Data Address: 9CEA4000h Length: 0006843Ch
GWINTER.NLM GroupWise WebAccess Server (release version)
Loaded from [SYS:GW\SD6\]
[10C] OS address space
Version 8.00.00 October 24, 2008
Code Address: 9CFB5000h Length: 00181F66h
Data Address: 9CC1F000h Length: 00062484h
GWDVA.NLM GroupWise Document Viewer Agent (release version)
Loaded from [SYS:GW\SD6\]
[10D] OS address space
Version 8.00.00 October 24, 2008
Code Address: 9D42E000h Length: 0008AEBCh
Data Address: 9CBA2000h Length: 00058ED3h