Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Support Pack 2 - ZDM6.5 SP2
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1
Upgrading ZfD 6.5 Inventory to ZDM 7 Inventory.
ZDM 7 SP1 Inventory install reports successful but the Inventory Service object, Server Status never gets the Status: 106 Successfully connected to database message.
The ZDM 7 SP1 Inventory Database object has on the DNS drop-down list <zenwsimport>.domain_name and the Inventory Database server's IP address.
The ZDM 7 SP1 Inventory Database object does not have on the DNS drop-down list the host_name.domain_name and the Inventory Database server's IP address.
ZDM 7 SP1 Inventory install reports successful but the Inventory Service object, Server Status never gets the Status: 106 Successfully connected to database message.
The ZDM 7 SP1 Inventory Database object has on the DNS drop-down list <zenwsimport>.domain_name and the Inventory Database server's IP address.
The ZDM 7 SP1 Inventory Database object does not have on the DNS drop-down list the host_name.domain_name and the Inventory Database server's IP address.
Before installing or upgrading ZDM Inventory, remove from the DNS environment all zenwsimport records for that name being resolved to an IP address. Configuring DNS for resolving the name zenwsimport can be configured after the ZDM 7 SP 1 installation has finished.
If the ZDM 7 SP1 install has already been done and the condition already exists, follow the ZDM 7 SP1 Uninstall/Reinstall documentation (ZDM 7 sp1 Installation Guide) after addressing the issue.
If the ZDM 7 SP1 install has already been done and the condition already exists, follow the ZDM 7 SP1 Uninstall/Reinstall documentation (ZDM 7 sp1 Installation Guide) after addressing the issue.
Additional Information
DNS will round-robin through A record entries for reverse lookup resolution. Reverse lookups that do not point to the hostname.domainname will interfere with DNS resolution to hostname.domainname.