Users can't add contacts from a specific eDirectory Organizational Unit

  • 7002025
  • 27-Nov-2008
  • 01-Aug-2013


Novell GroupWise Messenger 1.0
Novell GroupWise Messenger 2.0
Novell GroupWise Messenger 2.2


Users can't add contacts from a specific eDirectory organizational unit.
Users can't add Contacts to the Novell GroupWise Messenger.
Users can't add folders to the Novell GroupWise Messenger.
Client gets the following Error: "An Error occurred while updating the Directory Please see your System Administrator."
The Messenger Agent gets the Following Error: "09:22:21 4AD SPL Request (Create Contact) [0xAE0B]: CN=User,OU=Messenger,O=Novell - DDC: Error writing to the directory"


Delete the scope and re-create it.
Grante the Admin Rights to Root for the Net Messenger Agent User. 
Check supervisor rights filter:
  1. Go to ConsoleOne
  2. Right click on Organization Unit
  3. Select Trustees of this object
  4. From the dropdown menu choose "Inherited Rights Filters"
  5. make sure there are no filters that will prevent "Supervisor" rights from flowing down to subcontainers. 

Additional Information

Clip from the Net Messenger Readme file located on the Net Messenger CD.

4.4  Required Rights for eDirectory Access

          Because Messenger is based on eDirectory, the
          Messenger agents must be able to access
          eDirectory with the rights necessary to perform
          their tasks. The simplest way to accomplish this
          is to let the Messenger agents log in to
          eDirectory as an Admin equivalent user.

          If you do not want to let the Messenger agents
          log in to eDirectory as an Admin equivalent user,
          you must set up an eDirectory user for them that
          has the rights detailed in eDirectory Access and
          Authentication in Installing a Messenger System
          in the "Installation" guide.

Formerly known as TID# 10082549