Error - 634 while adding a Linux eDirectory server to the existing tree using "ndsconfig add"

  • 7001990
  • 23-Nov-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 for All Linux/Unix Platforms
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for All Linux/Unix Platforms


Adding a Linux eDirectory server to an existing tree using "ndsconfig add"
Error - 634 reported while adding a Linux/Unix eDirectory server to an existing tree using "ndsconfig add"


Step 1: Cancel the failed installation and remove all associated objects of the new server from the tree if there are any.
Step 2: By using Yast or manual method delete the Network Interface card and re-add.
Step 3: Rename the eDirectory database DIB folder and nds.conf file of the failed server .
Step 4: Run "ndsconfig add" and add the server into the tree.