iPrint and Winsock errors 11001 or 10061

  • 7001909
  • 17-Nov-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Distributed Print Services (NDPS)
Novell iPrint


iPrint printer install receives Winsock error 11001 or 10061
When you try to install a printer from iPrint (default or own created map) you receive a Winsock 11001 or a Winsock 10061 error. Both these errors are related to a DNS problem.

This can also be the case when trying to load the iPrint Map Tool: http:// server_address/maptool.htm


WINSOCK 11001 -  Hostname not found in DNS database

You will receive this error when you don't have a DNS server configured for your workstation or you don't have the domain name used by iPrint defined in DNS. You can find the domain name for iPrint by opening the own created map in an HTML-editor and check the hyperlink properties. The link will look like: ISINSTF.HTM?ippPrinterURL=ipp://domain/ipp/printer&.............

To fix this problem add an DNS server to your Workstations IP-configuration or add a record for the domain IPP is using to DNS.
WINSOCK 10061 -  Remote party refused your connection

You will receive this error when the domain name used by IPP is present in DNS server, but is pointing to a server not running IPP. You can find the domain name for iPrint by opening the own created map in an HTML-editor and check the hyperlink properties. The link will look like: ISINSTF.HTM?ippPrinterURL=ipp://domain/ipp/printer&.............

To fix this problem change the DNS record of the domain named use by IPP to point to the correct IP-address. 

Fix for map tool not loading:

Use the ip address of the server instead of the dns name (although that has been reported as inconsistent in one case where the IP address would no longer work).  If it works, do an nslookup from a dos window on the dns name to verify if the DNS table has incorrect information for that server's entry.

Example:    On the windows workstation | Start | Run | cmd | nslookup <myserver.domain.com>

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10085882