User removal and add to distribution list processing in wrong order

  • 7001899
  • 16-Nov-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell Identity Manager


Using Identity Manager 3 to connect GroupWise 6.5 system. IDM rules remove user from all distribution lists then add to specific distribution lists based on attribute stored on user object in IDV. In some instances the user should be removed from a DL then immediately re-added to that same DL. It appears this is being processed in the wrong order within GroupWise - the user is being added to a DL they already belong to then being removed. Net effect is the user is not a member of the DL even though they should be.

This happens when the DL is in a secondary domain, not in the primary domain which is connected to the IDM driver. Workaround is to move all DLs to the primary domain. This resolves the add/remove issue however it limits their ability to manage DL visibility and restricts their ability to create DLs.

Have also tested with GroupWise 7.0.3 and the issue exists there as well.


This has been reported to engineering and has been resolved with GroupWise 8