User daemon errors in zmd-messages.log

  • 7001635
  • 13-Oct-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management


[DEBUG] [3/12/2008 12:26:56 PM] [] [ZMD] [] [Retrying with UserDaemon Failed to
connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified.


This is fixed in version 10.1 - see KB 7001200 "ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with SP1 (10.1)" which can be found at  The errors no longer occur during startup/shutdown, when they would be expected.

Additional Information

Most of the ZENworks agent runs in system space. 

There are some tasks,however, that are done as the logged-on user (example: environment variable evaluation) 

The user daemon is a set of classes that are loaded by explorer.exe that the service calls over .NET remoting.  Those classes should carry out the requested action and return the result to the service.

Because the user daemon is loaded by explorer.exe, it's only available when the user's desktop is up.  The service starts much more quickly than the desktop, and so may need to wait for the daemon to load. 

At startup, the service waits for the user daemon to load by retrying the request up to 120 times, with a 1 second sleep between each attempt. 

This may also be seen if the service is asking for environment variables after the desktop has already been unloaded, which causes the request to be repeated prior to shutdown.