What is the best practice upgrading from NDS 7.x to TAO eDirectory 85

  • 7001601
  • 10-Oct-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


eDirectory 85
NetWare 5.1


Upgrade DS from 7.x to 85.x
What is the best practice upgrading from NDS 7.x to TAO eDirectory 85


Following the steps below will provide the best results for an upgrade to eDirectory 85 from NDS 7.x
1) Complete a health check using TID 3564075 - NDS Health Check Procedures.
2) Apply SP2a or SP6a for NetWare 5.0 or later support pack.
3) Apply preedirf.exe and follow the README.
4) Apply NICI 1.5.4 or later to the server.

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10061158