Error: Connection to ldap server failed when using SecretStore plugin after applying sp1 for iManager 2.7

  • 7001578
  • 09-Oct-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7
iManager 2.7.1
iManager Workstation / mobile 2.7.1
Novell SecretStore 3.4x


Before applying iManager 2.7 sp1 the SecretStore plug-in worked fine.
Specifically managing users via the SecretStore Task.
  1. Click on SecretStore Role
  2. Click on SecretStore Task
  3. Browse or specify a user and click OK would result in the expected behavior, such as the following screenshot.

After updating to support pack 1 for iManager 2.7 the following error is displayed:

"Error: Connection to LDAP server failed Verify Ldap configuration." 


A bug has been created and reported to engineering.

In the meantime if SecretStore needs to be managed, keep an iManager Server at 2.7 without applying sp1.  Or use iManager 2.7 Workstation without applying sp1.

Additional Information

While troubleshooting this issue the following observations were made:

  • Ldap was listening on port 389 and more importantly 636
  • Verified that binds over 636 worked fine.
  • SecretStore plugin used was version 3.410.20080310
  • Get the same error whether iManager running on NetWare 6.5 or iManager Workstation.  (Have not yet tested on other platforms)