TSAFSGW does not back-up certain open files

  • 7001566
  • 08-Oct-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7
Computer Associates ARCServe


Not all open files in the GroupWise directory structure are backed up.
Some files skipped during GroupWise backup.
ARCServe throws errors during GroupWise backup.
Backup solution receives an error or the 'SKIP OPEN FILE' dialogue.


The TSAFSGW is now the de facto GroupWise partner module to TSAFS and is what is currently supported.
In the past, the GWTSA partnered with older TSA modules to help back up 'all' open files associated with GroupWise.
The TSAFSGW does not unlock and copy certain open files that hold no relevance in business continuity.
Some of these include the XNSTORE files or the open log files at the time of the backup.
Example CA Log:
[09/25/2008-10:03:16 ,1,62,3,0,-1,2,18,0,0] Skip open file 1[DOM]PRI_DOM:\WPGATE\GWCORR.DB
[09/25/2008-10:03:17 ,1,62,3,0,-1,2,18,0,0] Skip open file 1[DOM]PRI_DOM:\WPGATE\000.PRC\0925LOG.001
[09/25/2008-10:03:17 ,1,62,3,0,-1,2,18,0,0] Skip open file 1[DOM]PRI_DOM:\WPGATE\000.PRC\PROC
[09/25/2008-10:03:17 ,1,62,3,0,-1,2,18,0,0] Skip open file 1[DOM]PRI_DOM:\WPGATE\000.PRC\STAT
The listed files do not represent all unnecessary files, but are an example of files that are recreated after the restore.
Though GroupWise logs may be relevant to present and future positions, they are not essential for GroupWise functionality.