ZCM agent not recognizing the Remote Operator variable when attempting remote management

  • 7001546
  • 07-Oct-2008
  • 28-Dec-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 1 - 10.1 Remote Management
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 10.2 Remote Management
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 10.3 Remote Management
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11 Remote Management
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.1 Remote Management
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2 Remote Management


ZCM agent not recognizing the Remote Management variable when attempting to remote manage a workstation.
The Message displayed to the user on the managed device before starting remote session that has the ^a variable for the remote operator doesn't specify the operator. The message is displayed as 'An Unknown User wants to perform Remote Control....'

The ZENworks Agent Remote Management Audit screen shows Remote Operator as <Not Determinable>.


The remote operator has an option of specifying a key pair when a remote session is being launched. This option is available under 'More Options' of the launch dialog box. The certificate provided here must be chained to the zone certificate authority.

The certificate common name will be shown to the remote user.  Make the certificate common name something generic, or provide specific certificates to specific administrators with that administrator's name used as the common name of the certificate. 

(see 'Use the Following Key Pair for Identification').


When external CAs are used, certificates are not generated for the remote operator, therefore the operator is recorded as an
"unknown user".


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

  ZENworks Agent Remote Management Audit Screen: