Upgrading Chinese ZPM server to version 6.4

  • 7001509
  • 02-Oct-2008
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Patch Management 6.2 - ZPM6.2
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 6.3 - ZPM6.3
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 6.4 - ZPM6.4


This applies to Chinese OS.


To Upgrade the ZPM server follow the steps below:  (Note: if you need the ZPM 6.3 Cumulative Hot Fix 2.0 or ZPM 6.3 ISO. Please open up a call with Novell Support, a Novell Support Engineer can send you these files)
1. Install a Chinese 2k3 server

2. If you have installed Novell ZENworks ZPM 6.2 then go to step 3, you can attempt an install of ZPM 6.4 go to step 5

3. Before you can attempt to upgrade your ZPM server to 6.3 there are a few upgrades that need to take place.
    3a. Apply the ZPM 6.3 Cumulative Hot Fix 2.0
        (This will allow the install of 6.3 to be on a Windows 2003 sp1 or sp2 server and avoid the error:
         Failure:  Operating System is not Windows 2003 SP1)

     3b.You also must patch the MSDE database. Install SP4 for MSDE 2000

4. Install the ZPM 6.3 ISO to upgrade from the ZPM 6.2 version

In some cases, running the ZPM 6.4 install will produce this error:

    Failure: SQL Server is installed.*
    *Note - All registry entries and directories related to SQL Server must be deleted from the system.

Look in the registry for the following key:


If that key doesn't exist. But the ZPM information is under:


    Then, make a backup and replace




5. The install of ZPM 6.4 should now show that it detected 6.3.xxx and will upgrade. If you get Error:

    Failure: SQL Server 2005 RTM, SQL Express 2005 RTM, or greater is required.
             Detected SQL Server Desktop Engine SP4.

This is because ZPM 6.4 requires SQL 2005. See Lumension KB Article 500 to to upgrade the MSDE 2000 to SQL 2005.
6.  Install the 6.4 upgrade