ZENWORKSUNINSTALL.EXE logs all parameters provided including credentials

  • 7001462
  • 01-Oct-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 1 - 10.1


Running zenworksuninstall.exe from the command line will log all parameters used to %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\novell-zenworks-uninstall.log
This includes the credentials passed using the "-u" and "-p" parameters.


Use the "-c" option to specify a local uninstall only so that "Zone Credentials" are not required.
Alternately, be sure the log file is removed from the device after the uninstall is run.
Note: A Local uninstall will not remove the device from the Zone.  This should be done manually if you will not be reinstalling the agent and you desire to remove the object from the zone.


Reported to Engineering
Security Alert