Which Privileged User Manager installer to use on SLES?

  • 7001425
  • 28-Mar-2012
  • 26-Apr-2012


Privileged User Manager 2.3.0


There are two different installers which can be used for SLES hosts. 

SLES Specific rpm's found in the SLES10 and SLES11 folders (novell-pum-*) of the ISO.
Generic Linux rpm's found in the Linux folder (novell-npum-*) of the ISO.

There are a few differences between these two installers.


Please read through the following to help you choose the best option for your environment.  Note: Generic Linux installers work fine on SLES hosts. 

Additional Information

1. The SLES specific installers have removed all the open source dependencies from the rpm. These dependencies must be installed BEFORE installing the SLES specific rpm, or if using zypper to install the SLES specific rpm, the package dependencies can be satisfied during the install. 

The following is a list of required dependencies which is now maintained by the OS, instead of the SLES specific rpm: 

2. The SLES specific installers can NOT be updated through Privileged User Manager native Package Manager mechanism. Updates to the SLES specific installers must be made via the rpm or zypper commands using updates rpm's.

Note: If you are wanting to take advantage of the Patching features through the Privileged User Managers Package Manager, you MUST use the Generic Linux rpm.

3. The SLES specific installers can NOT distribute individual Privileged User Manager packages.  With the Generic Linux installers, by default the distrib, regclnt, rexec and strfwd packages are installed, however you can then push out additional packages from the Package Manager, such as a Command Control Manager or Messaging Component

Note: If you are wanting to take advantage of the distribution of packages through the Privileged User Manager Package Manager, you MUST use the Generic Linux rpm.

4. The SLES specific installers have different paths than the Generic Linux installers.  SLES specific installers store all configuration, database, and log files in the /var/opt/novell/npum structure. All application files are stored in /opt/novell/npum stucture.