Could not read the internal UID of the eDir object when migrating applications to ZCM

  • 7001418
  • 23-Sep-2008
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management


ZENworks 10 migration utility reports error that it cannot read the internal UID of the eDir object when migrating applications to ZCM zone.

ERROR: Could not read the internal UID of the eDir object, please make sure you havesufficient rights to read attributes from this eDir object.Starting MigrationTool

ERROR: Could not locate LDAP Attribute mapping 'APP:FLAGS' -> 'APPFLAGS'


This is fixed in version 10.1 - see KB 7001200 "ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with SP1 (10.1)" which can be found at