ZFDAGENT blue screens (BSOD) after ZDM 7 upgrade installation reboot.

  • 7001392
  • 19-Sep-2008
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1


Upgraded ZDM 6.5 to ZDM 7.
WINLOGON.EXE crashes (BSOD) with code C000021a.
Workstations reboot after BSOD.
Most upgrades of the 6.5 to 7 ZFDAGENT.MSI do not have the crash.
Reinstall of the ZDM 7 agent resolves the crash.


Removed old ZENLITE.DLL and NALNTSRV.EXE files that were found in the \%SystemRoot%\ folder structure.

Additional Information

The ZFDAGENT.MSI install is architected to remove the previously installed agent.  Sometimes conditions exist on workstations that all files are not removed.  Find a manual or automated means to remove those files to avoid another ZDM agent install.  For older ZDM versions for this symptom, see KB 10098390 'ZFDAGENT.MSI blue screens when loaded.'