Secure Enabling Iprint printers on Linux OES2

  • 7001386
  • 18-Sep-2008
  • 30-Apr-2012


iPrint for Linux
iPrint client 4.34 for Windows


Enabled secure iPrint printers and users can still install printer.
How do I SSL enable iPrint printers?
What are the steps to using secure iPrint printers?


Detailed steps to enable and test SSL enabled iPrint printers on Linux OES2
1) SSL enable the printer
Select iPrint option in left hand column
Select Manage printer
Select Printer Agent
Click Client Support tab
Under iPrint Support check the enable secure printing checkbox and click apply
2) Check the Access Control to verify what Users/Groups/ Containers  have access to print to the printer.
Manage the Printer Agent  in iManager
Select the Access Control Tab
under the Users window add or remove users/groups/*containers to allow them to print to the printer.
*note:  container rights flow down the tree
3) Restart ipsmd
rcnovell-ipsmd stop
rcnovell-ipsmd start
4) Test on workstation 
If you have the Novell Client (not iprint client) for Windows
it will attempt to pass the credentials of your logged in edir user to the iprint printer install so be aware
that for testing purposes you may need to clear your Novell Client connnections, this is done by right clicking on
the Red N and going to Novell connections and detaching and refreshing till the list is empty
Aso you may want to clear any cached credentials on the iPrint client before testing.
Right click the Iprint icon in the tray
go to iPrint Settings
go to Passwords tab
clear out all usernames/passwords
Now hit the http://ipaddress/ipp page on the iPrint server
SSL enabled printer agents have little yellow lock icon on the printer icon far left next to the name
Click on the printer to install it will bring up a login dialog 
Put in username and password , you should NOT have to use Full ldap context if your ldap search is working properly
(full ldap example:  cn=joeuser,ou=users,o=novell )
For regular users that are NOT in the users access control of the printer it should return an insufficient rights message, and
users that are in the access control should be able to install the printer.
Note:  The Scope of the document does not include problems with the ldap authentication when using SSL enabled printers.
To get more information on LDAP/iPrint problems for authentication see other TIDS