Image Explorer sometimes crashes with large image files or image files with many contained files

  • 7001382
  • 17-Sep-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 1 - 10.1 Imaging


For large images or images with many contained files, sometimes the image explorer fails to load and drops back to a prompt.


This is fixed in version 10.1.2 - see KB 7001914 "ZENworks 10 Configuration Management 10.1.2" which can be found at
This fix includes some changes to the java settings that may help prevent the problem.  See also Additional Information.

Additional Information

In addtion to the changes in zmgexp.bat for version 10.1.2, the memory settings in the batch file can be tweaked for best performance based on the total memory on the device running the batch file. 
See the settings for -Xmx -Xms (these should match) on both lines where they appear in the batch file. 
For example, if your image crashes, try increasing these settings incrementally until the image can be opened, but not to exceed the total memory available on the workstation you are running on.