Apache fails to start after install iPrint RPM

  • 7001279
  • 04-Sep-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for Linux


After installing a novell-iprint-server RPM, Apache returns the following error on restart:

httpd2-worker: Syntax error on line 177 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:  Syntax error on line 99 of /etc/apache2/default-server.conf: Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/apache2/conf.d/oes_httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 9 of /etc/opt/novell/httpd/conf.d/iprint_g.conf: Cannot load  /opt/novell/iprint/httpd/lib/mod_ipp.so into server:  /opt/novell/iprint/httpd/lib/mod_ipp.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

If you are getting the same error above, with the exception of the last line:   ": no such file or directory"  see TID 7001847


Install the correct novell-iprint-server for the servers architecture (32 vs 64 bit).  If the server is 32 bit, be sure to install:

If the server is 64 bit, be sure to install: