Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Authentication
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with SP1 (10.1)
Individual agent cannot login. zicons show server unavailable.
ERROR (from zenlgn.log):
ZENLGN [298-29C] [16:57:17:010] Returned from ZENIsServerAvavilable
ZENLGN [298-29C] [16:57:17:010] Could not find any available servers
ZENLGN [298-29C] [16:57:17:010] Could not find any available servers
ERROR (from zmd-messages.log):
[DEBUG] [08/27/2008 13:22:06.062] [1368] [ZenworksWindowsService] [19] [] [RegistrationManager] [] [Unable to update device status with any service] [] []
Check that the ZENworks server is running properly: (for Windows or Linux servers: novell-zenworks-configure -c SystemStatus) that it can be reached and that busy status is not returned for other requests in the zmd-messages.log.
Additionally, check the zmd-messages.log: search for ZENIsServerAvavilable for certificate checking to confirm that the authentication URL server FQDN matches the certicificate host.
Additional Information
Login process requires both casa authentication and that the user be registered to the server. The call to ZENIsServerAvavilable (using standard zcm server protocol) must be successful and the call to registeruser must be sucessful for authentication to complete sucessfully.
For other TIDs relating to login issues, see TID 3273870 - Troubleshooting ZCM login problems