PBSSERV.LOG Error: Can not verify the identity of the server.

  • 7001241
  • 28-Aug-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Authentication
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Imaging
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Support Pack 1


This error is observed in the pbsserv.log on the ZCM server when attempting to take or restore an image to/from a workstation.

ERROR: [ZENIMGWEB-CSCKT] Failed to connect to ZCM server <ip address> at port 443. Error code: 13. Can not verify the identity of the server.

Server installed using a wildcard certificate (e.g., *.servers.company.com) rather than a single server certificate.


ZCM requires the use of single server certificates because the code does strict certificate checking on subject.  Although some services may work, this particular configuration has not been tested.

WORKAROUND: in the host file for the servers running the imaging services and/or imaging satellites, make a modification to include the wildcard certificate name to match up to the IP Address of the server as shown below.  Then restart the ZCM services.         *.servers.company.com