Novell ConsoleOne 1.3.6
Novell GroupWise Internet Agent (GWIA) 7
Novell GroupWise Internet Agent (GWIA) 7
The purpose of this TID is to help identify potential problem in some GWIA settings that have resulted after patched or upgraded GWIAs. These settings can either be adjusted by hand, or the GWIA can be freshly reinstalled. If the GWIA is to be reinstalled then see Resolution 1, if the GWIA settings are to be adjusted only then see Resolution 2.
A GWIA is patched or upgraded
Settings under the SMTP/MIME tab have changed
Settings under the SMTP/MIME tab look as if they have been maxed out.
Settings may appear as the following after a patch of upgrade has taken place in the SMTP/MIME tab:
Settings section:
Enable SMTP service is not checked.
Number of SMTP send threads: 255
Number of SMTP receive threads: 255
Scan cycle for send directory: 2147483647 seconds.
ESMTP Settings section:
Enable Delivery Status Notifcation (DSN) may not be checked.
Message Formatting section:
Outbound Settings:
Default message encoding: Basic RFC-822 may be selected instead of MIME.
Timeouts section:
Commands: 30
Data: 30
Connection Establishment: 30
Initial Greeting: 30
TCP Read: 30
Connection Termination: 30
Settings under the SMTP/MIME tab have changed
Settings under the SMTP/MIME tab look as if they have been maxed out.
Settings may appear as the following after a patch of upgrade has taken place in the SMTP/MIME tab:
Settings section:
Enable SMTP service is not checked.
Number of SMTP send threads: 255
Number of SMTP receive threads: 255
Scan cycle for send directory: 2147483647 seconds.
ESMTP Settings section:
Enable Delivery Status Notifcation (DSN) may not be checked.
Message Formatting section:
Outbound Settings:
Default message encoding: Basic RFC-822 may be selected instead of MIME.
Timeouts section:
Commands: 30
Data: 30
Connection Establishment: 30
Initial Greeting: 30
TCP Read: 30
Connection Termination: 30
There are two ways to fix this:
1) Remove all GWIA related files from the system directory or place in a backup directory. This can be found by doing a search for gwia* in the system directory. Once these files have been removed or placed in another directory, the GWIA can be reinstalled. The GWIA does not have to have it's objects deleted out of ConsoleOne. Treat it like a patch or an upgrade.
2) The second choice is a temporary fix. Once the GWIA is patched or upgraded again, the error will also reappear. To temporarily fix this setup, the mis-configured values can be changed to what you want. If the standard defaults are desired, please see below. Otherwise adjust the settings as needed.
Settings section:
Enable SMTP service should be checked
Number of SMTP send threads: 8
Number of SMTP receive threads: 16
Scan cycle for send directory: 10 seconds.
ESMTP Settings section:
Enable Delivery Status Notification (DSN) should be checked.
Message Formatting section:
Outbound Settings:
Default message encoding: should be MIME
Timeouts section:
Commands: 5
Data: 3
Connection Establishment: 2
Initial Greeting: 5
TCP Read: 5
Connection Termination: 10
Additional Information
Novell has not yet been able to duplicate the behavior at will. It seems to be more of a informational error then an actual performance one.