Failed to login to user Source with No password set on user

  • 7001208
  • 22-Aug-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Authentication


Failed to login to user Source with no password set.
ERROR: "Unable to login to the network because the login credentials or the server certificate is incorrect."
ERROR:  (from debug zmd-messages.log in 10.3 managed agent):
[ObtainAuthToken took exception: -939720703 System.Exception: -939720703
   at Novell.Casa.Client.Auth.Authtoken.ObtainAuthToken(String sService, String sHost, WinLuid luid)
ERROR (from casaauthtoken.log in 10.3 managed agent):
Failed to obtain session token, error = C7FD0001


Give the account a password, or login as someone who has a password and then use the blue ZCM icon in the tray to logout and login the user.

Additional Information

Currently there is no plans to make LDAP password to pass a blank password.  

The reason we cannot support a blank password is because of constraints with the LDAP protocol itself.  Per LDAP specifications, if the password is blank the bind request will actually work, but it uses the Anonymous user to login with instead of the specified user.  The specified user is just plain ignored when the password is blank.  This is a constraint of LDAP itself as to why we cannot support a blank password in authentication requests. 

The workaround of using a password for the user, is the solution to this problem.