Unable to create a delegated Admin Group for NSL management in Active Directory

  • 7001194
  • 21-Aug-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Active Directory mode


AD Groups must have full "Administrator" priveledges in order administer SecureLogin applications and settings Rights granted through the "Delegation of Control Wizard" are not sufficient to manage SecureLogin
Unable to create an "Admin Group" in Active Directory to administer SecureLogin
Desire is to create a group with limited administrative rights for this service/ function.


This problem is fixed with NSL6.1_Fix10.  After applying this patch is possible to grant specific rights for a group to administer only SecureLogin attributes.  Apply the patch and grant rights as described in the NSL6.1 online docs at:https://www.novell.com/documentation/securelogin61/nsl61_administration_guide/index.html?page=/documentation/securelogin61/nsl61_administration_guide/data/bgk2mjy.html