OES 2 novell-named, setting the debug level when using rcnovell-named

  • 7001189
  • 20-Aug-2008
  • 01-Jun-2012


Novell DNS
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2)


Setting the debug level for novell-named when using rcnovell-named


Using rcnovell-named to manage the novell-named daemon takes care of a lot of things for you like file creation, location, and verification, as well as checking to see if novell-named is already running, etc.

typing rcnovell-named at the console as root will give you the syntax.

The most commonly used options are stop, start, and status.

rcnovell-named status will give you information about whether novell-named is running, how many zones are loaded, the current debug level, etc.

The debug logging level can be set in the /etc/init.d/novell-named shell script.

This is done by adding the -d option which sets the level of information to be logged to a value like, 10.  If -d is specified, all the debug messages of type information /notice/warning/error/critical are logged for all categories. Setting the log level to higher number captures all the logging details over the preceding levels.

All the messages are logged in the /var/opt/novell/named/named.run file. In a cluster setup the messages are logged in the same file but in the directory structure on the mount point specified with -V option

The line that needs to be edited in the /etc/init.d/novell-named script looks like:
  startproc -p ${NAMED_PID} ${NAMED_BIN} ${NAMED_ARGS} -u named -d10

By default there is no -d option on this line.  Add a -d followed by the desired debug level (in this case 10) and save the file.  Then do an rcnovell-named restart to start using the new debug level.  Doing an rcnovell-named status will allow you to check that the debug level has changed.