Attempt to communicate with the NSM engine failed

  • 7001166
  • 15-Aug-2008
  • 24-Jul-2012


Novell Storage Manager (eDirectory Platform)
Novell Storage Manager (Active Directory Platform)


NSMAdmin cannot communicate with engine.
Getting error message of "Attempt to communicate with the NSM engine failed" when trying to log in via NSMAdmin.


Create a text file called NSMAdmin.exe.config and place it in the same directory as your NSMAdmin.exe file to bypass your IE Internet proxy settings for this one application. The text file needs the following contents, and can be created using NotePad.exe or your favorite text editor:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add address="[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.novell\.com" />
        <add address="192\.168\.100\..*" />

Please change the Novell domain name and IP Address sections to match your environment.

Additional Information

Applications written using Microsoft .NET will always use the proxy settings for Internet Explorer from the user's profile. NSMAdmin is written in .NET, so it will try to use these proxy settings. Unfortunately, any bypass list that has been setup for Internet Explorer's proxy configuration is completely ignored by these same .NET applications.