Server fails to load after Down Server Upgrade

  • 7001110
  • 05-Aug-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 8
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7


Server does not come up after upgradation
Server does hangs at CDBE.NLM and NWKCFG.NLM
Server does not proceed further with LOADSTAGE 0
Server does not come up after performing Down Server Upgrade from Novell NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 8 to Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7
Server fails to load as it is unable to initialize the NetWare configuration Database (CDBE.NLM)


The reason behind the server not coming up is corrupt NLMs under C:\NWSERVER\ especially configuration files NWKCFG(NetWare Kernel Configuration NLM) and CDBE (NetWare Configuration DB Engine). When the Down Server Upgrade is performed it sometime happens that files under C:\NWSERVER are not properly upgraded and that is the reason server falls in this loop and does not boot up. Following are the steps that can be taken in this scenerio :

  1. Bring the server to C:\NWSERVER by pressing ESC OR F5 at the time of boot.
  2. When the server comes at C:\NWSERVER type "CD.." at the command prompt without quotes and press enter. This will bring the server to C:\.
  3. Type the command "FORMAT C:" at the command prompt without quotes and press enter. If that does not work use the command "FORMAT C: /X" without quotes at the command prompt and press enter.
  4. This will erase all the data in the C drive.
  5. If the above step does not work boot the server using a DOS bootable floppy.
  6. When the server boot up fine with the floppy drive and come at A: type the command "FORMAT C:" without quotes at the command prompt and this will format the C drive.
  7. Once the C drive is formatted on the workstation load the Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7 OS Overlay CD or Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7 Overlay DVD.
  8. Open up the CD or DVD and look for the directory with the name STARTUP.
  9. Open the STARTUP directory and look for the file SERVER.EXE.
  10. Copy the SERVER.EXE file in a blank floppy and place the floppy in the server.
  11. Make sure the server is at C:\ and not at A:\. If the server is at A:\ type the command "C:" at the command prompt without quotes and press enter. This will bring the server at C:\.
  12. At the command prompt on the server type the command "MD NWSERVER" without quotes and press enter. This will create a directory with the name NWSERVER under C:\.
  13. Once the NWSERVER directory is created type the command "COPY A:\SERVER.EXE C:\NWSERVER" without quotes and hit enter.
  14. After the file has been copied on to the C:\NWSERVER\ directory take out the floppy disk.
  15. After completing the above mentioned steps perform the Down Server Upgrade again and the server will come up fine.

Refer KB 3617668 : to perform a Down Server Upgrade

Additional Information

Root Cause :
Files under C:\NWSERVER\ was not properly updated during the Down Server Upgrade as a result the new information was not properly populated in the configuration files.
Notes :
Make sure that the hardware of the server is working fine else it is better to perform a Hardware Diagnostic before performing the steps mentioned in this TID.