Error -1214 when installing and configuring eDirectory 8.8.2 on OES 2

  • 7001096
  • 05-Aug-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory 8.8 for Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2)


When installing and configuring eDirectory 8.8.2 on OES 2 in existing tree, getting errors in the install log:
"Unable to configure LDAP Server with default SSL CertificateDNS certificate"

When Installing and configuring eDirectory 8.8.2 on OES 2 in its own tree, getting error in the install log:
"Configuring SAS service... Failed to configure SAS service: unknown error -1214 (fffffb42 hex) err=-1214"


Install and configure eDirectory on OES 2 before installing the ConsoleOne.

Additional Information

When ConsoleOne gets installed, NICI gets install also. When eDirectory gets installed, it will check for existing NICI. The ConsoleOne NICI however causes further issues with install and configuration.