How do I modify the JVM settings for the Sentinel Control Center in windows?

  • 7001070
  • 04-Mar-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Sentinel 6.1
Novell Sentinel 6.0 Support Pack 2


When running large numbers of Active Views or using the Sentinel Control Center (SCC) heavily it may be desired to increase the amount of RAM available to the Java heap which contains the SCC JAR files.  The windows version of the SCC has a .bat file to load including custom JVM parameters but the shortcut created by default points to an .exe file in order to avoid opening a command prompt which windows requires when opening a file via .bat file.


In the $ESEC_HOME/bin directory there is a file named control_center.ja which contains the JVM parameters which will be read in by the SCC when loaded via the .exe file.  The parameters are space-delimited and examples follow to increase the JVM maximum heap to 1024 megabytes and the initial heap to 512 megabytes:
