NOWS SBE 1 to NOWS SBE 2 upgrade isssues

  • 7000997
  • 21-Jul-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Workgroup Suite Small Business Edition (NOWS SBE)


This TID will track all issues relavent to the upgrade of NOWS SBE 1 to NOWS SBE 2.

  • NOWS SBE 1 to NOWS SBE 2 patch tool is missing from the product update panel in the Web-based management GUI.


patch required to update missing from the channel

The patch required to upgrade NOWS SBE 1 to NOWS SBE 2 is currently missing from the update channel. Novell is working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Those who require the patch prior to its release to the channel will need to open up a Service Request.

After acquiring the required patch, the following steps should be taken:
  1. Open the web-based management GUI
  2. On the bottom of the left pane in the box titled "NOWS Server Updates" select "View Update Summary"
  3. On the right side of the screen a box titled "Add New Update Package" should appear. Click browse and locate the patch on your local computer
  4. Click "Start Upload"
  5. In the box titled "Upload" a warning message will appear. Accept the warning message and continue by clicking "install"
  6. The server should immediately shutdown.
  7. Insert the installation CD for NOWS SBE 2.
  8. Boot from the installation CD
  9. Select "Installation -- Safe Settings." If you fail to use this setting then you risk deleting all your data.
  10. Proceed with the update as described in the documentation.

Additional Information

The complete upgrade process is described in the Updading to NOWS SBE 2.0 Readme