How to create a Yast Add-On image for the ZLM 7.2 IR2 agent

  • 7000939
  • 16-Jul-2008
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management - ZLM7.2 IR2
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2)


Since the agent install media is not Yast aware, this document provides information on how to create an ISO image which contains Novell ZENworks 7.2  Linux Management with IR2 Agent packages. This ISO can be used to include ZLM as Add-on Products.


Supported platforms for this tool:
  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9(i586) SLES 9 32bit.
  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9(x86_64) SLES 9 64bit.
  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10(i586) SLES-10(base,SP1 and SP2) 32bit.
  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10(x86_64) SLES-10(base,SP1 and SP2) 64bit.
  • Open Enterprise Server 2 ( i586) OES2 32bit.
  • Open Enterprise Server 2 (x86_64) OES2 64bit.
  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 (i586) SLED-10(base, SP1 and SP2) 32bit.
  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 (x86_64) SLED-10(base, SP1 and SP2) 64bit.
August 12 - new version released, with the following new features:

1. Option to create ISO for ZLM72 with IR2 agent hot patch 1.
 -u option is introduced to create ISO for ZLM72 IR2 Agent hot patch 1. This can be added to YAST or to autoyast.xml to get ZLM72 IR2 Hot patch 1 installed.

2. Patterns for Hot patch 1
 ZLM-Agent-Hot patch 1 pattern is available to select hot patch 1 package for ZLM72 IR2 Agent for SLE 10 Platforms.

3.Selections for SLE 9
 This version provides selections for ZLM72IR2 agent install on SLE 9 platforms.

4. Selection for Hot patch 1 
 ZLM-Agent-HP1 selection is available to select hot patch 1 package for ZLM72 IR2 agent for SLE 9 Platforms.

If you are running ZLM7.2 IR2 HP1 or later, this file is already included. Otherwise, obtain the file from and follow the instructions in this TID

Creating the ZLM agent add-on.



-i <ISO name>

ISO name is the name of the ISO image to be created. If this argument is not present, then the default ISO name "zlm-add-on" will be selected

-m <mount point>

Mount point is the path where the ZLM-agent is mounted, e.g., /mnt/zlm-agent

-o <output directory>

Output Directory is the directory where the ISO image should be written. If this option is not present, then the ISO image will be copied to the /tmp directory.

-c 10 (or -c 9)

10 is to create the ZLM agent add-on for SLES-10, SLED-10 and OES2 Platforms. Default value is 10
9 is to create the ZLM agent add-on for SLES-9 platforms.


This option prints the help information.


This option creates an ISO image that contains ZLM72IR2-Hot-Patch agent Packages.


To create a zlm-add-on product ISO image with the name "zlm-agent-add-on.iso" for SLE 10 and OES2 platforms and store the ISO in /mnt/ then run,

zlm-create-yast-add-on -i zlm-agent-add-on -m /mnt/zlm-agent -o /mnt/ -c 10

To create a zlm-add-on product ISO image with the name "zlm-agent-add-on.iso" for SLE 9 platforms and store the ISO image file at /mnt/ then run,

zlm-create-yast-add-on -i zlm-agent-add-on -m /mnt/zlm-agent -o /mnt -c 9

To create zlm-add-on product ISO image with name zlm-agent-update-add-on.iso for SLES10 platforms and store the ISO image file at /mnt location run,

zlm-create-yast-add-on -i zlm-agent-add-on -m /mnt/zlm72IR2-hot-patch -o /mnt/ -c 10 -u

When used with the -u option, -m should point to the location where hot patch packages are stored for the specified targets. For the above command, /mnt/zlm72IR2-hot-patch should have sled-10-x86_64 and sles-10-i586 folders with hot patch packages under them. You can use the zlmmirror tool to download hot patch packages. For more information on downloading hot patch packages see man zlmmirror.

Adding the ZLM-agent Add-on to Yast.

The ZLM agent ISO created using zlm-create-yast-add-on can be included to Yast as Add-on products.

Steps to add ZLM-agent Add-on ISO image to Yast.
  1. Execute the command
    yast2 add-on
  2. Select the appropriate options and select Next.

    "NFS" if the ZLM-agent Add-on ISO is located on a NFS mount path.

    "CD" if the ZLM-agent Add-on ISO is written to a CD.

    "DVD" if the ZLM-agent Add-on ISO is written to a DVD.

    "Local Directory" if the ZLM-agent Add-on ISO is present on local directory.
  3. Provide the required information and click OK
  4. Accept the License agreement and select Next.
  5. The Add-on product will be added to YAST.


The following patterns are available with the ZLM-agent add-on. Select Patterns from the Filter drop-down list.

ZLM Agent noX ZLM-agent Installation without X related packages. This pattern is for the ZLM-agent on thin clients.
ZLM Agent X ZLM-agent Installation with X.
ZLM Agent Imaging ZLM-agent Imaging agent component.
ZLM Agent OEM ZLM-agent OEM package for DELL machines.
ZLM Agent All ZLM-agent Full installation.
ZLM-agent Hot-Patch 1( Available only with -u option).

Select the pattern and click Accept to install the ZLM-agent.

NOTE: Select Packages->All Packages->Update if a new version is available to upgrade zmd, rug and zen-updater to a higher version.

NOTE: Adding the ZLM-agent Add-on to Yast is not supported on SLES 9. You can add the ZLM-agent add-on an ISO mounted directory as an Installation source on SLES 9 and install ZLM-agent using YAST.

Selections are similar to Patterns. Selections are applicable only on SLE 9 platforms. The following selections are available with the zlm-yast-add-on.

  • ZLM-Agent Imaging Packages
  • ZLM-Agent 7.2 IR2 without X
  • ZLM-Agent 7.2 IR2 OEM
  • ZLM-Agent 7.2 IR2 with X
  • ZLM-Agent-HP1(available only with -u Option)

Creating AutoYast Config file with ZLM-agent Add-on.

The ZLM-agent Add-on ISO can be added to the AutoYast config file.

Adding ZLM-agent Add-on to existing AutoYast config file.
  1. Execute the command
    yast2 autoyast
  2. Go to File->Open and add the existing AutoYast config file.
  3. Go to Software->Add-on Product
  4. Click on Configure
  5. Click on Add to the Add ZLM-agent Add-on ISO.
  6. Add the ISO.
  7. Go to Software->Package Selection and click Configure
  8. Filter based on Patterns and select the required ZLM Agent Pattern.
  9. Select File->Save as and save the updated AutoYast config file.
Adding ZLM-agent Add-on while Installing the OS
  1. At Installation Mode of theSystem Analysis step, Select Include Add-on Products from Separate Media.
  2. Include ZLM-agent Add-on ISO to Yast as add-on products.
  3. Filter with Patterns and select the required ZLM-agent patterns.
  4. After the installation is complete. Select "Clone This System for Autoyast" and clickFinish.
  5. The AutoYast config file will be created at /root/autoinst.xml

NOTE: Creating an AutoYast config file for the ZLM-agent is not supported on SLES 9 Platforms.