Server hangs at "Scanning for Devices and Partitions" while loading Qlogic Driver

  • 7000774
  • 29-Jun-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5


Server hangs at "Scanning for Devices and Partitions" while loading Qlogic Driver
Server hangs at "Scanning for Devices and Partitions" due to Qlogic Driver 
Qlogic driver not initializing properly
Server fails to start and hangs at scanning for Devices and Partitions
Server hangs at scanning for Devices and Partitions after the execution of STARTUP.NCF
Server does not proceed further with LOADSTAGE 1


  1. Check whether the version of Ql2x00 driver is correct or not. This can be done by typing "m Ql2x00" without quotes at server system console
  2. Verify whether the corresponding .DDI file for Ql2x00 is present in C:\NWSERVER\DRIVERS\
  3. After verifying the above mentioned steps if the problem persists then delete the registry files i.e. SERVCFG.000,
    SERVCFG.001, SERVCFG.002 and SERVCFG.NBK from C:\NWSERVER\ directory. Make a copy of these files because some products have dependencies on these files.
  4. After deleting the registry files restart the server.
  5. If the issue persists after performing the above mentioned steps then bring the server at C:\NWSERVER prompt by
    pressing ESC or F5 at the time of booting
  6. From C:\NWSERVER\ execute the command SERVER -NS (the NS switch is used to load the server without startup.ncf).
  7. Execution of the above command will bring the server at colon prompt. Type "TBX" without quotes. This will load the tool box
  8. Type the command "edit C:\NWSERVER\STARTUP.NCF, this will open the STARTUP.NCF in the editor.
  9. Put a delay before and after each line say DELAY 10 (where 10 will be the value in seconds). This will let each and every driver to get the proper time to initialize itself.
  10. Press ESC and save the STARTUP.NCF file.
  11. Restart the server and the server will come up fine.

Additional Information

Notes :
Make sure to have backup of existing driver files before replacing any.