Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7
Novell iManager 2.7
ERROR: "503 Destination Host Unreachable" while accesing iManager
Unable to access iManager
Error -636 (destination host unreachable) while loading Tomcat
Error LDAP authentication failed while loading Tomcat
- At the server system console run pkidiag and run it with the option 4,5 and 0.
- After that run tckeygen at the server system console.
- Type "ap2webdn" without quotes and press Enter.
- Type "java -exit" without quotes and press Enter.
- Type "tc4stop" without quotes and press Enter.
- Type "tc5stop" without quotes and press Enter.
- Type "ap2webup" without quotes and press Enter.
- Type "tomcat4" without quotes and press Enter.
- Type "tomcat5" without quotes and press Enter.
- Try to access iManager.
Change Log
6/2/09 - Removed the section on how to remove the CA. That should be a last resort and not mentioned in this TID.