ERROR: "503 Service Unavailable" while accesing iManager

  • 7000759
  • 27-Jun-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7
Novell iManager 2.7


ERROR: "503 Destination Host Unreachable" while accesing iManager
Unable to access iManager
Error -636 (destination host unreachable) while loading Tomcat
Error  LDAP authentication failed while loading Tomcat


  1. At the server system console run pkidiag and run it with the option 4,5 and 0.
  2. After that run tckeygen at the server system console.
  3. Type "ap2webdn" without quotes and press Enter.
  4. Type "java -exit" without quotes and press Enter.
  5. Type "tc4stop" without quotes and press Enter.
  6. Type "tc5stop" without quotes and press Enter.
  7. Type "ap2webup" without quotes and press Enter.
  8. Type "tomcat4" without quotes and press Enter.
  9. Type "tomcat5" without quotes and press Enter.
  10. Try to access iManager.

Change Log

6/2/09 - Removed the section on how to remove the CA.  That should be a last resort and not mentioned in this TID.