Invalid incarnation Number when creating NSS volumes

  • 7000741
  • 24-Jun-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iManager
Novell Open Enterprise Server 1 (OES 1) Support Pack 1 Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2)


Problem has been seen after installing OES Linux(SLES) into an existing eDirectory tree when attempting to create NSS volumes or pools on the OES server.
iManager Reports Invalid incarnation Number when attempting to create a NSS pool or Volume
iManager Reports Invalid incarnation Number when attempting to create a NSS pool or Volume on OES Linux
The following error can also be seen in /var/log/messages

Nov 30 17:56:46 zen1 adminfs daemon: mounting volume VOL1
Nov 30 17:56:46 zen1 adminfs daemon: Error -1 from NCPLoginAsNSSAdmin 

Error -1 is seen when attempting to create the volumes using NSSMU at the server console
error FFFFFDA2 is reported when the command nssAdminInstall -u is issued
Invalid incarnation Number when creating NSS volumes


To resolve this issue, run nssAdminInstall from the OES server terminal. Here is a sample syntax

nssAdminInstall -a admin.novell.novell_tree -p password -o nssproxyuser.novell novell_tree
-a specifies the user that will authenticate to eDirectory to make the changes, Admin works great here

-p specifies the admin password

-o specifies the user that nss will use as the proxy user

Additional Information

The problem is that NSS is unable to authenticate to eDirectory using the proxy user that is configured during the OES installation.

This object is usually servernameADMIN and exists in the same container as the server object.

This can happen because maybe the server was reinstalled, but the proxy user object was not removed prior to installation
It may also work to run nssAdminInstall in update mode instead of creating a new user object

Run nssAdminInstall with -u, but without any of the other options (-u is only available in OES1 in OES2 just delete the edirectory object and rerun nssAdminInstall to recreate it).
The object can also be deleted and then the nssAdminInstall -u can be run
Formerly known as TID# 10099811