Drag and Drop eMail address from address book does not work if opened from icon in "mail to:" window

  • 7000724
  • 20-Jun-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 6 Support Pack 2
Novell GroupWise 32 bit client


Drag & Drop an email address from address book does not work if address book was opened from the icon in the "mail to:" window


The drag and drop is working as designed. The address book dialog is modal and it is not possible to drop behind a modal dialog.
  1. The workaround is to open the Address book from the icon in the GW client Window. An email address can then be dragged and dropped on to the to: field
  2. Close the address book
  3. Click the address book icon in client window
  4. Select a mail address and try to drag and drop it to the email To: field

Additional Information

Steps to reproduce:
1. click "New Mail" in Groupwise
-> New Mail windows opens
2. click address book Icon in New Mail Window
-> Address book opens
3. Select mail address and try to drag and drop it to the email To: field
-> Does not work.
Formerly known as TID# 10076251