Novell GroupWise 5.5
Novell GroupWise 6.0
Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7.0
Novell GroupWise 8.0
Novell GroupWise 6.0
Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7.0
Novell GroupWise 8.0
Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 18
It can be difficult to troubleshoot Proxy problems without actually
opening the client.
How can Proxy Access be determined using GWCheck or Mailbox Maintenance?
What do the results from GWCheck mean?
How can Proxy Access be determined using GWCheck or Mailbox Maintenance?
What do the results from GWCheck mean?
Proxy rights for individual users can be verified without
opening the user's GroupWise client by running GWCheck or Mailbox
Maintenance against the PostOffice with: Analyze/Fix Databases,
Contents with Databases to User and Logging to Verbose.
This will show up in the log as follows:
Access granted for user USERID = <value>
This will show up in the log as follows:
Access granted for user USERID = <value>
= ##
The first iteration of the "Access granted for user" log entry
will display either the Display Name or UserID followed
by what the user's access privileges are, based upon
a bit mask. The second iteration of the "Access granted
for user" log entry is displaying the email address for that same
user and the number that follows is actually the character length
of that string.
Notes: The following numbers can be seen in the log file
indicating which Proxy rights have been granted. The value
given is the sum of the individual rights. I.E. Read and
Write to Tasks = 48.
0 On the Access Rights list but with no rights given
1 Read Mail/phone
2 Write Mail/phone
4 Read Reminder Notes
8 Write Reminder Notes
16 Read Tasks
32 Write Tasks
64 Read Appointments
128 Write Appointments
256 Subscribe to my notifications
512 Read items marked private
1024 <not used>
2048 <not used>
4096 <not used>
8192 Subscribe to my alarms
16384 <not used>
32768 <not used>
65536 <not used>
131072 <not used>
262144 <not used>
524288 <not used>
1048576 Modify folders
2097152 Modify Rules
4194304 Modify security options
8388608 Modify regular options
NOTE: To do this on all users, simply run the GWCheck against the entire post office rather than a single user.
Access granted for user JDOE = 8963
Access granted for user JDOE.PO1.SOME_DOM@novell.com =
This example user would have the following access privileges
upon the sum of the value following the first iteration of the
user's ID:
8192 Subscribe to my alarms
512 Read items marked
256 Subscribe to my
2 Write
1 Read Mail/phone
8963 Total
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10050654
In GroupWise 7, the second iteration of "Access granted for
= ##" was added.
Helpful TIP:
In order to make checking log files for users who have given out"All User Access", a customer provided feedback with a trick that they do. On linux, they take the GWCheck log file and run the following command on it: "grep -E 'Checking user|Access granted'<gwcheck.log_or_.ckl_file> > po-output.log". So this command would take a gwcheck.log or a .ckl from the /postoffice/wpcsout/chk directory, scan for user and their proxy access settings and put the output to another file for easier reading. So as an example, if this was to be ran on a .ckl file it may look like: grep -E 'Checking user|Access granted' 4e459c48.ckl > po-output.log, The output provided may look similar to this:
Checking user = Resource1 (dbi / 177) 121856 bytes, 08/12/11 20:00 (Resource1 Resource1 [])
Checking user = LTU801 (dct / 224) 249856 bytes, 08/12/11 20:00 ( a [])
Access granted for user <All User Access> = 10239
Helpful TIP:
In order to make checking log files for users who have given out"All User Access", a customer provided feedback with a trick that they do. On linux, they take the GWCheck log file and run the following command on it: "grep -E 'Checking user|Access granted'<gwcheck.log_or_.ckl_file> > po-output.log". So this command would take a gwcheck.log or a .ckl from the /postoffice/wpcsout/chk directory, scan for user and their proxy access settings and put the output to another file for easier reading. So as an example, if this was to be ran on a .ckl file it may look like: grep -E 'Checking user|Access granted' 4e459c48.ckl > po-output.log, The output provided may look similar to this:
Checking user = Resource1 (dbi / 177) 121856 bytes, 08/12/11 20:00 (Resource1 Resource1 [])
Checking user = LTU801 (dct / 224) 249856 bytes, 08/12/11 20:00 ( a [])
Access granted for user <All User Access> = 10239
Change Log
2/27/09 - Added second iteration with corresponding information
relating to it and when it approximately added.