LDAP SSL status is not saved after changed from YES to NO

  • 7000629
  • 26-Feb-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2)
Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based)
Novell iFolder 3.6
iFolder the current server rpm (ifolder-enterprise) version installed.


The iFolder Administration page at the server TAB gives the option to change the LDAP SSL from YES to NO. This is found in the LDAP details section once a server is selected from the server TAB.

When LDAP SSL is changed from YES to NO, the save button stays inactive. If a change is done in one of the other fields, the save button becomes active. Once the changes are saved and you log out and re-login, the LDAP SSL is back to YES.

The Simias.config shows that the LDAP configuration is applied but the UI does not update the change.



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